Please open your copies of God’s word to 9th chapter of the book of Joshua. Joshua chapter 9. We have before us an unusual text, which seems to be something of a recurring theme in Joshua. With many parallels to the story of Rahab in chapter 2, today’s text has military enemies, cunning deception and bold-faced lies, we have the giving of a curse and significant consequences, and we have very surprising mercy. But even…
Good morning. Please turn with me in your copies of God’s word to Joshua chapter 8. Joshua chapter 8. On Sunday Evenings we have been working through the book of Joshua, and we’ve made it to chapter 8, which we’ll cover today. To catch us all up to speed, chapter 6 contains the most...
Last week we looked at probably the most well-known story in this book, where Joshua leads the people of God into battle against the city of Jericho. Or, more precisely, the Lord leads Joshua, who then leads the people into battle, because we noted that the battle clearly belonged to the Lord. He told them...
Good evening. Please turn with me once again to the book of Joshua. Joshua, in the Old Testament, the 6th book of the bible. And we are in the 6th chapter of it. We’ve been slowly marching through this book, not unlike the people of God marching slowly into the promised land, which is the...
Last week we continued to look at the transition of the nation of Israel into the promised land, as they finished crossing the Jordan River into Canaan in chapter 4. We noted the significance of this transition within the Old Testament, while also noting the way that the New Testament picks up the themes of...
Tonight, we resume our study of the book of Joshua. I didn’t intend to, but last time we were in Joshua I left everyone with a bit of a cliffhanger. I preached Joshua 3, which begins a huge event in the life of the history of God’s people. After being miraculously redeemed from slavery in...
Proverbs 13:12 says that, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” Tonight we begin a series of sermons that really are on the culmination of hundreds of years deferred hope, and finally a desire fulfilled. The Lord promised a land to Abraham, and land to Isaac, and land...
Good morning. I invite you to join me in turning to the book of Joshua, in the Old Testament. Joshua is the 6th book of the bible, right after Deuteronomy. On Sunday evenings I have been preaching through the book, and we will continue our study this morning in chapter 2 of Joshua’s book. The...
Good evening. Please turn with me in your bibles to Joshua chapter 1. Last time we began a new series of sermons through this book, and I opened with a question. I asked everyone what makes them fearful. What scares you? God tells Joshua several times in the opening of this book not to...
Jon English Lee
Jon English serves as Pastor of Discipleship for Morningview Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. He has earned a Bachelor’s degree from Auburn University Montgomery, a Masters of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Systematic and Historical Theology from SBTS. Jon English is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society, a fellow for the Center for Pastor Theologians, and an adjunct professor for Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.