The doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone has been called the very hinge upon which Christianity turns. In this sermon, Jon English expounds Romans 4:5, explains mankind’s sinful condition, God’s work of justification, the doctrine of imputation, examines the Roman Catholic Church’s position on the issue as stated by the canons of the Council of Trent, and he explains how this doctrine is crucial for a joyful christian life.
Justification by Faith Alone

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Jon English Lee

Jon English serves as Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary. Previously he served as Pastor of Discipleship for Morningview Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. He has earned a Bachelor’s degree from Auburn University Montgomery, a Masters of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a PhD in Systematic and Historical Theology from SBTS. Jon English is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and an Ecclesial fellow for the Center for Pastor Theologians.