Book Review: Finally Free by Heath Lambert

Finally Free

Introduction: Lambert seeks to apply the power of Christ’s transforming grace to free believers from the enslaving power of pornography.

The Good: This book is saturated with grace. Thankfully, however, he does not remove law. He calls sinners to repent, he gives hope grounded in grace, he gives practical steps to fight for purity, and he shows how God’s grace is the power for transformation. He even gives advice to accountability partners who are trying to help other believers fight against pornography.

The Bad: I struggled to find a significant flaw in this book. Perhaps one quibble might be that the book felt as if it were written mostly toward men, instead of addressing both men and women consistently?

Overall: I think that pornography is perhaps the most significant pastoral concern for our church today. Lambert has given a powerful tool in the battle against such a silent killer. If I were a youth or college pastor, I would be going through this book with every one of the young men under my care. I highly recommend this book for those who struggle with pornography, for spouses, accountability partners, pastors, parents, and anyone else who may be affected by pornography.


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